Great Expectations

Great Expectations

Once a month we have a company-wide meeting. As we've grown in that last 2 years, we've had to continually find bigger spaces. At this point we're tightly packed in 5 couches and 10+ extra office chairs crammed in any corners with a good line of sight to the screen.

The venue has changed, but the format of the meetings has generally stayed the same. We review our performance for the last month, and then we talk about how we can improve, whether it's personally or as a company.

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A Feminist in the Office

A Feminist in the Office

I actually spent 45 minutes writing a really long and thoughtful post about being a feminist in the workplace, but Squarespace quit on me and the post was deleted. Have you ever been on a phone call with someone only to find out that they haven't heard you for the last 5 minutes?

Yeah. That's the flavor of frustration I'm dealing with.

Instead of trying to remember everything I wrote, I'll address something along the same lines.

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