A Feminist in the Office

A Feminist in the Office

I actually spent 45 minutes writing a really long and thoughtful post about being a feminist in the workplace, but Squarespace quit on me and the post was deleted. Have you ever been on a phone call with someone only to find out that they haven't heard you for the last 5 minutes?

Yeah. That's the flavor of frustration I'm dealing with.

Instead of trying to remember everything I wrote, I'll address something along the same lines.

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Ottford Chickens

Ottford Chickens

About 9 weeks ago my brother, some friends and I all decided that we were going to buy some chickens. Provo allows their residents to own six, so we thought that was as good a number as any (except seven, because that would be not allowed). I was anxious to pick them up after we had talked about it, so one day I left work early to go pick up my friends and pick out a few chicks.

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One Year in Provo

I have this little app named Timehop that combs through all my social media accounts and tells me what I did on this day in years past. Most of the time it sends me on a short trip down nostalgia lane or completely embarrasses me. Thank goodness there is no myspace support, because my facebook statuses from six years ago are bad enough.

I noticed that a year ago today I had posted the picture of the big window of our house on the day we moved to Provo. It's been one year since I started living in this little city! It made me reflect on what I've done and seen in this last year, and how to sum it all up.

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An Ode

I think that this post will sound ridiculous to 90% of the people who read it. Maybe that's why I feel like I need to write it down, because I think that eventually I'll think it's ridiculous too.

I'm selling my car this weekend. It's been a bit of a process, but after washing and detailing and inspecting it, someone is interested in buying it, and we've agreed on a price that we're both happy with. Perfect, right?

Well, I probably should be happy with this outcome, but the whole thing has been emotionally tumultuous.

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